be kinky & sweat with us!
Posted on March 21 2018

ok so I'll admit it, I tend to be a severe work-a-holic, working consistently on everything but myself. I am great at working on and in my business but frequently fall short on working out or eating healthy, on a consistent basis. I eat healthy mostly, but I fall off when I become busy or stressed. I'd try to workout for a week or so and then stopped when work became overly stressful, overwhelming or I became bored with it (which happens easily). I ate late after a long day and went to bed with my laptop open, woke up, showered and began working again. *repeat* day in and out. like so many others, I neglected myself.
4+ weeks ago I was invited to soul cycle uptown, by supergoop and decided to attend since it was free (and I've always wanted to try it out). I have been invited to soul cycle several times in the past but avoided it because honestly, I was intimidated. man, when I tell you, I am SO glad I finally went! although I nearly died, it was the most fun + intense workout I have ever done (and I didn't die *lol*). and to be honest, I loved the atmosphere of the space! it's clean, modern and bright with motivational writings in bold font on the walls, the ambience in the studio is dark, with light coming from a candles. the entire group is *somewhat* unison ( I have accepted that I do not have very good coordination lol), moving to the beat of awesome music. after I came home, I decided to make an investment in myself that I would enjoy, and actually DO. I downloaded their app, signed up for my next class and haven't stopped going since. I am on week 5 and feeling GREAT!
I know so many of us avoid new experiences out of fear so I wanted to expose my new found love for soul cycle to my adwoa beauty™ family with our be kinky & sweat workout events. I believe most things work, as long as we are consistent and actually enjoy doing it. our themed events, be kinky & sweat will foster group activity at becoming our best self and crushing our healthy living goals. we will try new things around town and see what we like best, to maintain a fun, active lifestyle. for our first event, I was so happy to collaborate with soul cycle uptown and tribal cafe in the bishop arts. below is a snippet of all of the fun we had and the uptown soul cycle team is awesome! check it out!
if you're in dallas, definitely sign up to our mailing list for future be kinky & sweat events this spring + summer.
see you around - julian