the adwoa beauty guide to hair care product longevity
Posted on February 26 2018

it’s a little-known fact that much like food, hair care products also have an expiration date. we know that your favorite hair gels and conditioners that you swear by, are natural, and therefore “don’t expire”. however, the only thing that truly doesn’t expire is honey, and for organic reasons. unfortunately, with the maintenance of your “must haves” and “do-haves”, it’s important to look out for your hair as well, when it comes to awareness of preserving these products. don’t worry, though. save yourself the research; adwoa beauty’s got your back.
the expiration date of any beauty product is usually found on the label of the container, near the barcode, and along with the information on ingredients. the number inside of the small container illustration indicates the number of the month, and the “m” indicates the word month. the shelf life of hair care products is almost always negligible when the product hasn’t been opened unless exposed to light or humidity. however, when opened, there’s a different story. the exposure to light, bacteria, moisture, and many other factors, gradually denature the hair products, which leads to an eventual expiration.
the food and drug administration suggests no actual time for when a hair care product should be tossed. however, adwoa beauty suggests about one to two years at the most. although our mascaras, hair gels, lotions and butters all have different shelf lives, it’s important to know that products should eventually be tossed after a year or two, so that bacterial and fungal infections are avoided. because of this, it’s important to know the do’s and don'ts to ensure longevity in your hair care products:
do store your hair products in a cool room.
don’t dilute your hair products often with water, as this increases the process for bacteria to multiply.
don’t share your hair products with too many people, as this also increases bacteria and fungi.
do take note of the expiration date on the label.
do be mindful that organic and plant-based products have a shorter likelihood of increased longevity, due to their natural ingredients.
do your research about certain ingredients and how long they truly last.
don’t assume that your hair care products are going to last for more than three years.
don’t leave your hair care products near too much heat, humidity, or any other sort of moisture.
do be mindful and ultimately wise when achieving longevity of your hair care products.
until next time - aj